With GreenSlate's approval flows, employers prefill the Start Form, or "make an offer" to employees. Once this is done, the employees will be notified to review and approve or reject the offer.
Making the offer is optional at the time of inviting an employee to begin onboarding. The offer may be made while sending the initial invite, or after an invitation is sent.
Make an offer at the time of the invite
Submit offer after an invite has been sent, add a new position, or update a rate
To make an offer at the time of the invite:
Step 1: Click EMPLOYEES on the left navigation then click INVITE EMPLOYEE or click the + to the right of Employees.
Step 2: Complete all required fields under "User Information" and select the role of Digital Start Work Employee. Then click PRE-FILL START WORK.
Note: Hire date is an optional field, and Division is only an option when the feature is enabled. Use the role title "Digital Start Work Employee" unless custom employee role titles were discussed during onboarding.
Step 3: Click ADD in the Start Form section of the Start Work Packet.
Step 4: Fill out all fields in the Position section.
Note: If your project uses contracts that are configured for Hours To Gross, and/or if your project is using Divisions/Department Heads, you may find some fields are prefilled.
Step 5: Complete the Deal section.
Note: The Rate Type options are per hour, per day, or per week and the Guaranteed Hours field is optional. For union positions configured for hours to gross, we may click "Apply Scale Rate" for the most current scale rate available.
Step 6: Complete the Pay Rate section, as needed.
Note: The Overtime Type options are "Regular" and "Overtime Exempt". "Premium OT" is an option when union/contract rules allow. To learn more about on call and premium OT rates, click HERE. For daily and weekly rate employees, the overtime type may commonly be "is overtime exempt". For hourly employees, indicate after what number of hours they should receive overtime, if applicable.
Union employee start forms include a Deal Type dropdown field for automatic scale rate updates. Choose when/if to update rates with these options:
- "At Scale" - Employee rates update when scale rates increase contractually.
- "Over Scale" - Employee rates only update if an employee’s pay rate falls below scale.
- "Subject To Negotiation" - Employee rates will not be subject to any automatic rate updates.
Optional: Use the checkboxes next to Box Rental or Per Diem to add the other earning rate and rate type.
Step 7: Enter account codes for the employee's payroll expenses.
Note: These codes will default on digital timecards and payroll transactions. At a minimum, the Labor Code is required. If your project is using our more detailed Default Employee Position Coding, see additional information here.
Step 8: Select the appropriate option for the Affordable Care Act.
Note: Notes may be entered into the "Notes" section for any additional terms or start form notes.
Step 9: If NY or CA is selected as the work state, a field will appear at the bottom for the State Labor Law Form. Complete all required fields and select any allowances given.
Step 10: Click SUBMIT.
Step 11: Close the project start work window and click INVITE.
To Make an offer after an invite has been sent, add a new position, or update a rate:
Step 1: Click DIGITAL START WORK under "Start Work Packets"
Step 2: Locate the employee you wish to add a Start Form for, and click on their name in blue.
Note: you may find the tabs "Incomplete", "Complete", or "All" helpful for different scenarios.
Step 3: Follow steps three through eleven above.