New Features
File Naming Convention.
File naming conventions help you stay organized and make it easier to identify your files. By consistently organizing the files, users will be able to quickly find what they need. And in a shared or collaborative group file-sharing setting, it will help others more easily navigate the work. GreenSlate users will be able to define their own conventions according to their company's necessities using a builder, where they can define the name using the entity’s available variables.
New ‘Project Setting’ to create Vendors with Bank Info from Employees.
Users with a new permission will be allowed to create Vendors from employees with the Bank Info prepopulated. The fields that are completed with the Employee's information are going to be read only.
Automated 1099 forms.
As part of this year’s enhancements in the 1099 process the Final Run CSV file is going to be pulled directly by the application. This means that the user will only have to click on ‘Generate 1099’ in order to get the 1099 PDF files. Users will still have the options to run the report from Accounting Reports and manually upload them in the Print 1099 tool and to run the Cross Project version of the report.
Added validations to stop users from saving empty Purchase Orders.
Previously a Purchase Order could be edited and saved without any Detail lines. An error message was added to stop users from doing this.
Improved the Codes dropdowns inside all transaction forms. After filtering a code and clicking on it the selection was not saved in the dropdown.
Fixed 'Updated By' and 'Created By' columns inside the Bill Payments.
After saving the Bill Payment form the 'Updated By' and 'Created By' columns were changed, now the columns will reflect the information from the Bill or PCard Envelope attached.
Fixed error in Cross Project Cost Reports.
The reports were showing negative ETCs that were not reflected in the Cost Report grid, the reports will now reflect the same value from the grid.
Enabled Chart of Account Synchronization in projects with Sub Accounts. Chart of Account Sync can now be enabled in projects that use Sub Accounts from the Chart of Accounts
Settings page. Only the Accounts will be Synched, the Sub Accounts do not have to be the same between projects.
Fixed error in Tax Credit Summary. After clicking on an Unassigned Count hyperlink all the corresponding transactions are going to display, previously there was a 'No items to display' message.
Fixed inconsistencies Tax Credit Summary between GSW and GSA. The values between GSA and GSW in the Tax Credit Summary will be the same.
Fixed error that was not reflecting the unpaid Bills in GSA. The issue was caused by some incomplete Bills in GSA.
Granted access to some users to Reopen Periods and Year End transactions. Users with the new permission will be allowed to Reopen Periods and Year End transactions.
Fixed bug in Tax Credit Summary in GSA. Fixed a bug that was showing some values as doubled in the Summary view.
Fixed bug in the Detail PO# with Summary and Details Excel Report. The report was missing the Invoice Numbers in the rows with Closed status.
Enhanced the GL Bible-Basic Format with PO Merge Report. A breakdown was added at the end of the report and also a 'Expense Accounts Only' filter.
Enhanced the Report #737. Added the breakout functionality to the report.
Fixed the header's alignment with the rest of the document.
Client Solutions
Added User Invite information to the Digital Start Work grid. The 'Invite' and 'Accept Date' columns on the Digital Start Work grid allow admins to better monitor Payroll
Onboarding progress. The 'Hire Date' column makes it possible to prevent employees from getting to set without a signed Deal Memo or to monitor I9 for USCIS compliance.
Added a Timecard column to track Other Earnings over time. The 'YTD' column on the Other Earnings panel of the Digital Timecard allows users to monitor Box Rental caps
or other limited funds. The column tallies earnings for the item type on the row, for the active Production Company over the course of the current calendar year.
Improved the 'Multiple Timecards' Warning. This warning now contains a link that directs the user to a filtered view of the Timecards grid, making it easy to review situations where an employee has multiple timecards for the same week ending.
Added 'Pay Date' and 'Net Pay' to the Timecards grid. These columns facilitate the creation of On-Demand SAG reports.
Added 'Packet Updated' column to the Digital Start Work Grid. This column makes it easy to track when a Start Work Packet has been completed or when a new Start Form
has been added to the Packet.
Improved usability when exiting out of a Timecard. Clicking on the 'Back' button on a Digital Timecard now takes the user back to the page they originate from, whether it's the Timecards grid, the All Batches grid, or the Batch Detail page.
Roles Grid - Added a limit to the number of characters in the 'Name' and 'Description' fields, made 'Risk Rating' field read-only.
The 'Name' field now has a limit of 50 characters, the 'Description' one has a limit of 300 characters and 'Risk Rating' is now read only.
Improved the usability of the I-9 page. Employees now see the list letter associated with the documents they attach to their I-9 as they submit it.
Added new columns to the Vendors grid. Date Added, Creator, Edited Since Creation, Date Edited, and Last Edit By were added to the Vendors grid. These columns will later be used in a Change History Reports.
Digital Timecard Performance update. Although nothing changes on the surface, this update dramatically improves the overall experience when working with the Digital Timecard. Among several changes, we updated the column interaction rules, leading to
a better response time. This newer version allows users to process more timecards within the same amount of time.
Added permission to control access to the W2 Start Work Packet. This permission allows Start Work Admins to assign Employee Roles that only have access to the Loan Out
Start Work Packet page.
Added disclaimers on Start Forms and Custom Forms for the Local 52 (and others).
Members of the Union Local 52 who are accustomed to signing 'Per 52' on Production forms will now see a disclaimer below the signature field that reads 'Local 52 is not bound to any of the provisions of this document'. This functionality can be enabled for other locals with this requirement.
Fixed a bug affecting the Start Work packet's State Withholding forms. State Withholding forms previously filled out by a user now correctly appear on the W-4 page when accessed from the Start Work packet.
Added the 'Contract' column to the Employee Positions grid.
This addition to the Employee Positions grid draws attention to potentially is incorrect setups for cases where a Union Local is attached to multiple Contracts enabled for the Project.
Security Components
Fixed Errors in console with 'Lastpass' or any related tool to save passwords. There were errors present in the console regarding to the LastPass tools or similar, now the the users do not have any console error related to the save passwords tools.
Added the System Banner in the Login page. When there is a System banner, it was not showing in the Login page, and if there was an error in the authentication process the users were not able to see it, now if there is a system banner or announcement the users can be aware since the open GS app.
Fixed Edit Training Settings Tooltip. The tooltip was getting cut off by template elements and the users were not able to read the whole information, now the tooltips adjust and the user is able to see all the information in the tooltip.
Removed ‘Next Approver’ and ‘Next Step’ columns from I9 in the Startwork Wizard.
The Next approver and next step were not necessary in the Startwork Wizard and were affecting the performance, so we removed them and the performance went back to normal.
Fixed error in console after doing: Action > Post for the first and second time, after approving the transaction in ‘Accounting Transactions’. There was an error in the console affecting the Post action, now there are no console errors and the Post action is executed on the first selection.
Fixed the filter that was taking the first index option in the General ledger bulk edit mode.
When an account was selected in the bulk apply dropdown, no rows were selected in the grid, so when the user clicked ‘Apply’, all rows were changed to the first account in the COA and not the one the user typed. Now the filter applies the typed option.
Fixed a bug which caused users being asked to change password every time they logged in.
The users with 'LastPass' or similar tools to save passwords were having problems to log in, because it was asking them to update their passwords every time they tried to login. Now the user is able to use these tools and will not have this behavior any more.
Fixed a bug in the ‘Actions’ Dropdowns, which caused grayed-out options to be clickable.
Grayed-out options should not be clickable, but the user was able to use them. Now, the grayed-out options won’t trigger any action if the user clicks on them.