- Chart of Accounts
Allows viewing, adding and editing accounts. Also viewing, adding, and editing of Bank accounts.
- Distribution changes
Allows the distribution of an individual Transaction detail line on a closed period, into one or more lines.
- Tax Credit
Facilitates the tracking and editing of Tax Credit codes, and its overall status on the Incentives Dashboard.
From Patches:
- NY State Form: Preparer's Name and Title should be pulled user on final approver step.
- Allow only one pending I-9 form at a time - removes ‘Add’ button when a Pending form exists.
- Core Employees Change.
When a paymaster enters a new paper employee to core, and an email address exists, they will be automatically invited to GSW as a user.
- Change timecard calculation-type variables to be calculated by position, rather than the entire timecard.
- Add 'Needs Splitting' column to 'Timecards' page - shows timecards with changes in ‘Project’ or ‘Location’ column.
- Save code defaults entered in 'Codes' panel at top of Timecard page.
- Update checkbox name to 'Show Inactive Projects'.
- Several Payroll Report changes
Users and Roles:
- Add Other Forms access to system roles - rework of who can see ‘Other Forms’ page
- Action added to allow deactivation of global positions.
Accounting Features:
- General checkrun improvements
- New Search GL Function in GSA has a column that lists the "Company Code", which is included when exporting to CSV file.
- Add Payment Terms to PO's & Bills.
UI and Usability:
- Design standards from Transaction Pages applied to Purchase Orders.
- When password is expired, don't log user in, just show a "New Password" field.
- PO, GL and Account grids upgraded to system standard using Signal R.
- Signal R standard added to Form Actions: Create, Delete and Update
- Hover state added to dashboard panels.
Other changes:
- When a Simple Project is created, store it in the same table as other Production Dashboard projects.
- Touch ID login for GreenSlate app!
- Several Canadian payroll changes
- Insert vertex deduction Union dues
- Add new column isCanadianEHT to fringes tables
- Processed Payroll Report - Add Project Currency