Start Work Enhancements:
- Start Work forms will be under a Digital Start Work Menu option
- Custom Grid views will be added: : "Complete" "Incomplete" and "All"
General Changes:
· Split the codes permission by payroll and accounting
From Patches
These features were released recently and are already available in production.
- I9 and W4 will show up in Modal
- Calculate Overtime Only checkbox to DTC
- For SAG timecards:
- Travel Arrive time will pass as Makeup In Time if it has a value
- Travel out time will pass as Makeup out if it has a value
- Reports :
- New York State New Hire Program Electronic Transfer
- Alternative EOR Name Field for ADP files
- GSA:
- Update Description format when using Grab Clipboard on CASHet export
- 1099 Vendor Field added on GL and Edit reports
- Add the ability to approve and commit a PO
- Add the ability to approve and commit a Vendor
- Unsplit button in timecards
- Export for I-9. W4. Start Form & Custom Forms grids
- Show Custom Forms in Start Work packet
- Attachments are included in the Timecard PDF
- Accordion chevron style changes
- 1099 Vendor added to GL Reports
- Added a header to Distribution Changes.
- Added a header to Year End transactions.
- Add Change In Variance Column to Cost Report Worksheet
Project File Manager:
· Add file actions and batch actions to the Project File Manager