How to: Use Manage Code Types

With GreenSlate, it's easy to enable and create codes options for your payroll and accounting transactions.

Step 1: Under Project, click MANAGE CODE TYPES.

Step 2: Click VIEW from the Actions drop down menu next to the code on the All or Enabled tab.

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Step 3: Click ADD ITEM to add a new code.

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Step 4: A new line will appear on the grid. Fill out the Code, Description, and Currency.

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Step 5: Once you've added all the needed codes, click SAVE.

If you would like episode, location or sub account codes enabled or required for budgeting please contact 


Note:  Carbon and Asset are excluded from timecards. 


GreenSlate Codes Options


1099/T4A 1099
Asset Asset
Carbon Carbon
Comp Company
EPI Episode
F1 Free
F2 Free
F3 Free
F4 Free
Insurance Insurance
LOC Location
Set Set
Sub Account Sub Account
TC System Tax Credit
WS State / Province