How to: Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Take advantage of our keyboard shortcuts so you can breeze through our app seamlessly.

Global Shortcuts: These shortcuts apply at all pages in our web app.

ctlr + /

Open the Keyboard Shortcut overlay.

ctrl + shift + (+)

Open the Create menu “+”, in the top navigation bar.

ctrl + alt + n

Opens the Notifications

ctrl + shift + ?

Open the Help Menu,  in the top navigation bar.

ctrl + shift + h

Go to Home Page

ctrl + shift + l

Sets the focus on the Left Navigation’s search field.

ctrl + alt + Down Arrow

Focuses on the first panel of the page, from top to bottom.

If it is pressed again, you’ll navigate to the next page’s panel.

ctrl + alt + Up Arrow

Focuses on the last panel of the page, from top to bottom.

If it is pressed again, you’ll navigate to the previous page panel.

Grid Shortcuts: These shortcuts apply in all grids (only pages that only contain a grid).

ctrl + alt + a

Opens the Bulk Actions Menu, in pages that contain a grid only.

ctrl + shift + a

When a row in the grid is focused, open the row’s Actions menu.

ctrl + alt + x

Opens the Export menu

ctrl + alt + w

Opens the View menu

ctrl + alt + r

Refresh grid content

Form Shortcuts: These shortcuts apply in forms.

ctrl + shift + g


ctrl + shift + s


ctrl + shift + p


ctrl + shift + u


ctrl + shift + e


ctrl + shift + i

Add Item