Step 1: Click VENDORS on the left navigation.
Step 2: Click VIEW VENDOR PROFILE via the Actions drop down menu for the vendor you would like to receive ACH.
Note: if you're creating a new vendor, skip Step 3 and enter all other required vendor information before moving to Step 4.
Step 3: Click EDIT.
Step 4: Check the box next to Enable ACH Bank Setup.
Step 5: Fill out all required fields.
Note: use the Bank Info Documents field for bank documentation, which is required to validate information entered in the Bank Info fields.
Step 6: Click SAVE.
Step 7: Create a bill payment to pay a bill for that vendor and select Generate Payment File as the check type.
Step 8: Approve the bill payment.
Selecting “Generate Payment File”, will generate the ACH payment once the Bill Payment is submitted and fully approved. If the bank account and/or vendor is not set up, the file will not generate.
Step 9: Once the status shows as Completed for the bill payment, click DOWNLOAD PAYMENT FILE from the Actions drop down menu to download the ACH file then upload the file to your bank portal.
Note: EASI Link and Bank of America ACH payment files are sent automatically, so the option to download is removed automatically.