How to: Enter Sick Time on a Timecard

Sick time can be entered on a timecard for a full day or a partial day.

Full Sick Day

Step 1: On the timecard hours grid, select the day type Sick Paid from the day type drop down menu.

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Step 2: 8 hours will populate by default in the Hrs column. These hours can be edited but doing so will affect usage of sick time and should be left as is. 

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Step 3: Fill out all required fields and any additional days worked.

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Step 4: Click SUBMIT.

In grossing, the application will automatically pay sick days per the employee's guarantee with the rules of 8 hours at 1x and anything over at 1.5x. For example, an employee with 10 hour guarantee will get 8 hours at 1x and 2 hours at 1.5x pay but total hours will still be 8 hours.

Partial Sick Day

Step 1: On the timecard hours grid, click SPLIT in the Actions column. 

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Step 2: If non exempt, enter the In/Wrap for the hours that were worked on one line of the split day. 

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If exempt, check the box on the left of the one line of split day and enter the Hrs worked. The day type should show as Worked automatically. 

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Step 3: Select the day type Half Sick from the day type drop down menu for the other line of the split day.

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Step 4: 4 hours will populate by default in the Hrs column. These hours can be edited but doing so will affect usage of sick time.  Only update if the amount of worked hours is more/less than 4.

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Step 5: Fill out all required fields and any additional days worked.

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Step 6: Click SUBMIT.

Split days will not automatically gross. The amount to be paid for the partial sick day vs the hours worked will need to be manually adjusted by the payroll accountant when grossing the timecard.