What are roles and permissions?
- Permissions determine users' system authorization level for each accounting and payroll module (e.g. authorization to approve payroll batches, access to view timecards in a project, etc.). They also enable communication within each approval flow to finalize a document or transaction.
- An approval flow is a sequence of steps to create and process documents/transactions within the system.
- Roles help manage and control the permissions of different users based on their responsibilities or job functions.
When a role is added to an approval flow and assigned to a user, the user has access to approve the step that the role is on. A role can be added to multiple approval flow steps and different modules. If a user has multiple roles, the role with the highest level of permissions will take precedence.
How To Resources
Common Teams to Contact
- Project Setup (projectsetup@gslate.com) - Contact the Project Setup team for assistance with editing the approval flow, updating the admin’s access, setting up custom forms, enabling payroll and accounting features, and setting up budgets.
- App Support (help@gslate.com) - Contact the Application Support team for assistance with navigating the GreenSlate platform and best practices.
- Client Services (clientsetup@gslate.com) - Contact the Client Services team to start a new project in the GreenSlate application.
- CRM - Contact the CRM team to connect with an account manager to direct questions to the appropriate teams.
Role Descriptions:
Accounting Staff Roles
Payroll Staff Roles
Production Staff Roles
Department Head Roles
Crew ‘Accounting’ Roles
Quick Reference Tables: Access to Left Navigation Menu by Role
Key Accountant
1st Assistant Accountant
2nd Assistant Accountant
Accounting Clerk
Payroll Accountant
Payroll Assistant
Payroll Clerk
Line Producer
Production Supervisor/UPM
Production Coordinator
Department Head - Payroll & Accounting
Role Descriptions
Accounting Staff Roles:
Accounting Clerk
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Journal Entries, Distribution Changes, Vendors, Bill Payments, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Access to view Timecards
- Access to view the General Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, Chart of Accounts, and Accounting Reports
2nd Assistant Accountant
- Ability to create, approve, view all, and post Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Journal Entries, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Distribution Changes, Vendors, and Bill Payments
- Access to view Timecards
- Access to General Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, Import Storage, Chart of Accounts, Cost Report, Manage Code Types, AP Checks, Payroll transactions, and Accounting Reports
- Ability to Post Payroll
Assignable roles: Accounting Clerk, Bill/Check Request Creator, Bill/Check Request View Only, Check Request Creator, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, PO View Only, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager
1st Assistant Accountant
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, create batches, and post payroll
- Ability to create, approve, view all, and post Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Journal Entries, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Distribution Changes, Vendors, and Bill Payments
- Access to General Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, Import Storage, Chart of Accounts, Bank Accounts Cost Report, Prepaid Cards, Manage Code Types, AP Checks, Payroll transactions, and Accounting Reports
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: 2nd Assistant Accountant, Accounting Clerk, Accounting View Only, Assistant Coordinator, Bill/Check Request Creator, Bill/Check Request View Only, Chart of Accounts/GL View Only, Check Request Creator, Cost report view only, Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, Payroll Assistant, Payroll Clerk, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, PO View Only, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager, Production Coordinator, Production Supervisor, Startwork Admin View Only, View Only Full Project Access
Key Accountant
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, create batches, and post payroll
- Ability to create, approve, view all, and post Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Journal Entries, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Distribution Changes, Vendors, and Bill Payments
- Access to General Ledger, Closed Periods, Bank Reconciliation, Import Storage, Chart of Accounts, Bank Accounts, Cost Report, Prepaid Cards, Manage Code Types, AP Checks, Payroll transactions, Tax Credit Summaries and Accounting Reports
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Payroll Reports, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: 1st Assistant Accountant, 2nd Assistant Accountant, Accounting Clerk, Accounting View Only, Assistant Coordinator, Bill/Check Request Creator, Bill/Check Request View Only, Chart of Accounts/GL View Only, Check Request Creator, Cost report view only, Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, Line Producer, Manage Codes Access, Payroll Accountant, Payroll Assistant, Payroll Clerk, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, PO View Only, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager, Production Coordinator, Production Supervisor, Startwork Admin View Only, Upm, Vendor Access All, View Only Full Project Access, View Payroll Check Copies
Payroll Staff Roles:
I-9 Approver
- Ability to approve I-9s
- Access to I-9 grid
Hiring Manager
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees, and prefill the start and custom forms
- Access to Start Work Packets, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
Payroll Clerk
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing. Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Payroll Reports, Payroll transactions, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards and check copies
Payroll Assistant
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, create batches, and post payroll
- Ability to create Bills and Check Requests
- Access to view all Bills, Check Requests, and Payroll transactions
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Payroll Reports, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, Payroll Clerk, Startwork Admin View Only
Payroll Accountant
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, create batches, and post payroll
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Bills, Check Requests, and Bill Payments
- Access to General Ledger, Manage Code Types, Payroll transactions, and Accounting Reports
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Payroll Reports, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: Assistant Coordinator, Bill/Check Request Creator, Bill/Check Request View Only, Check Request Creator, Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, Payroll Assistant, Payroll Clerk, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, PO View Only, Prepaid Card Creator, Production Coordinator, Production Supervisor, Startwork Admin View Only, View Payroll Check Copies
Production Staff Roles:
Assistant Coordinator
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills/Check Requests, Vendors, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Access to Digital Start Work, Users, and Employees grids, coding timecards, and check copies
- Access to General Ledger
Assignable roles: Bill/Check Request Creator, Check Request Creator, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, Prepaid Card Creator
Production Coordinator
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours. Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills/Check Requests, Vendors, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Access to Digital Start Work, Users, and Employees grids, manage roles, coding timecards, and check copies
- Access to General Ledger
Assignable roles: Bill/Check Request Creator, Check Request Creator, I9 Approver, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager
Production Supervisor
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, and create batches
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Petty Cash, PCard Envelopes, and Vendors
- Access to General Ledger
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: Assistant Coordinator, Bill/Check Request Creator, Check Request Creator, Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager, Production Coordinator
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, and create batches
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Petty Cash, PCard Envelopes, and Vendors
- Access to General Ledger
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: Assistant Coordinator, Bill/Check Request Creator, Check Request Creator, Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager, Production Coordinator
Line Producer
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees and prefill the start form, approve start forms and custom forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours and grossing, and create batches
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills, Check Requests, Journal Entries, Petty Cash, PCard Envelopes, Distribution Changes, Vendors, and Bill Payments
- Access to General Ledger, Closed Periods, Bank Reconciliation, Import Storage, Chart of Accounts, Bank Accounts, Cost Report, Manage Code Types, AP Checks, and Accounting Reports
- Access to Start Work Packets, Timecards, Batches, Payroll Reports, Users, Employees, and Employee Positions Grids
- Access to coding timecards, managing roles, and check copies
Assignable roles: Accounting Clerk, Accounting View Only, Assistant Coordinator, Bill/Check Request Creator, Bill/Check Request View Only, Check Request Creator, Hiring Manager, I9 Approver, Payroll Clerk, PC Creator, PC Creator (multiple vendors), PO Creator, PO View Only, Prepaid Card Creator, Prepaid Card Manager, Production Coordinator, Production Supervisor, Start Work Admin View Only, View Payroll Check Copies
Department Head Roles:
Full Project Access:
Department Head - Payroll & Accounting Access
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees, and approve start forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills/Check Requests,l Vendors, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Access to Digital Start Work and Users grids, coding timecards, and check copies
- Access to General Ledger
Accounting Access:
Department Head - Accounting Access 1 - 3
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Purchase Orders, Bills/Check Requests, Vendors, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Access to General Ledger
Payroll Access:
Department Head - Payroll Access 1 - 3
- Ability to approve I-9s, invite employees, and approve start forms
- Ability to submit and approve timecard hours
- Access to Digital Start Work and Users grids, coding timecards, and check copies
Crew ‘Accounting’ Roles:
Accounts Payable:
Vendors | Purchase Orders
PO Creator
- Ability to create Purchase Orders and Vendors
PO View Only
- Ability to view all Purchase Orders and Vendors
- Access to Purchase Orders and Vendors
Check Requests | Bills
Bill/Check Request Creator
- Ability to create Bills and/or Check Requests
Check Request Creator
- Ability to create Check Requests only
Bill/Check Request View Only
- Ability to view all Bills/Check Requests
- Access to Bills and Check Requests
Bill Payment Creator
- Ability to submit AP checks and print AP checks
Bill Payment Creator/Approver
- Ability to submit and approve AP checks and print AP Checks
- Access to Bill Payments
Crew Expenditures
Petty Cash
PC Creator
- Ability to create Petty Cash
PC Creator (multiple vendors)
- Ability to create Petty Cash for all users in the project
CP Envelopes
Prepaid Card Creator
- Ability to create PCard Envelopes
Prepaid Card Manager
- Ability to view and manage all cards
View Only Roles:
Start Work Admin View Only
- Access to Digital Start Work and Employee grids
Accounting View Only
- Ability to view all Purchase Orders, Bills/Check Requests, Bill Payments, Vendors, Petty Cash, and PCard Envelopes
- Access to view General Ledger, Closed Periods, Bank Reconciliation, Import Storage, Chart of Accounts, Bank Accounts, Cost Report, Manage Code Types, AP Checks, and Accounting Reports
Chart of Accounts/GL View Only
- Access to view the General Ledger and Chart of Accounts
Cost Report View Only
- Access to view the Cost Report
Manage Codes Access
- Ability to manage code types
Vendor Access All
- Ability to create, approve, and view all Vendors
- Access to view Project and Company vendors
Quick Reference: Access to Left Navigation Menu by Role